Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Technology Integration Matrix

First of all, I found the Technology Integration Matrix very confusing and EXTREMLY wordy. I don't if they were trying to simplify things, but I did not find it all simple. However, I did attempt to rate myself according to the matrix.

I think that I working at an ENTRY level in the Active area and Collaborative areas. We don't have access to much technology, so on a day-to-day basis I am in the classroom using my personal technology. When we do use technology, it is on an individual basis. The students use individual devices to work. Even though I would like to be doing something different, I am somewhere between ENTRY and ADAPTATION for Constructive. Our technolgoy is used mostly to deliver information or create a typed paper. I am absolutely ENTRY level in Authentic. I don't know that many of my assignments could be used outside the classroom. I am at ADAPTATION level for Goal Directed. We have a program that allows students to view their grades online. They can see what they are missing and monitor their own grades.

I think that I could move to Adaptation in the Authentic category. I need to be focusing on how students could use what they do in my room later. I've heard students say, "When will I ever use this." There have been times I couldn't really give a good answer. Those types of assignments shouldn't really be happening. I need to plan my lessons around real world learning and application. I think I could work an assignment in each week, for the remainder of they year.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thoughts on the Technology Integration Matrix. I thought it was wordy as well, and didn't feel that I really understood each level and characteristic until I read through several example lessons. I would also like to develop my skills in the Authentic category and assist teachers with this, but I don't know if this is something I can realistically do by the end of the school year. I like your idea of working on one assignment each week, and would like to do this to prepare for the next school year.
